The DCCTC Firefighting Program satisfies the IFSTA (International Fire Service Training Association) standard for basic firefighting. Upon successful completion of the program, students may take the National Firefighting Exam which certifies them as a Level 1 firefighter. After that, most continue with additional education and a career in fire safety. Through a relationship with Dorchester County Fire and Rescue, DCCTC students are able to participate in many work-based learning opportunities and gain valuable “real world” firefighting experience on a regular basis.
Career Fields Include:
Fire & Rescue, Firefighter
Firefighting I
Credits: 2
Prerequisite: None
This course provides the basic skills necessary for safe operations on the fire ground. Subjects include; firefighter orientation and safety; fire behavior; portable extinguishers; protective equipment; search and rescue; ladders, fire hoses, ropes and knots; building construction and fire prevention and public education. Students spend much of the class in the field participating in drills and other hands-on operations. This course satisfies the intent of the OSHA standard for basic firefighting. Successful completion of written and performance testing is required.
Firefighting II
Credits: 2
Prerequisites: Firefighting 1
This course provides students with the knowledge and skills to meet the National Firefighter Standards of NFPA 1001. Subjects include fire streams, interior fire control, forcible entry, ventilation, salvage, overhaul, water supply, wild land firefighting, and communications. While some classroom work is required, the majority of the class day is spent in the field participating in live drills. Successful completion of written and performance testing is required.
Fire Services Work Based Learning
Units: 1
Grades 11- 12
Prerequisite: Student must have completed a program in Emergency and Fire Management Services or Law Enforcement at DCCTC as well as have a satisfactory instructor recommendation.
Students who have completed a career and technology program at DCCTC and desire work experience in a field related to emergency and fire management services or law enforcement can choose to further enhance their skills by enrolling in our work based learning course. Students will learn daily duties and participate in in-house training and public service events. Students must provide their own transportation to work sites.
James Ante

For additional information on careers in Firefighting,CLICK HERE.